Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Already posted a photo on the other blog, but who knows, someone may stumble on this one as well.

Got into my elevated stand around 3:00 yesterday afternoon, and there was a strong northwest breeze, so I was basically looking to the southeast corner of the field for most of the afternoon. Somewhere around 4:40 or so, this little guy came sneaking in from the northwest thicket, cruising with the wind, and popping into view less than fifty yards away (I'll have to laser it later). No real hesitation, I haven't seen any bucks since last week, so I aimed low behind the front shoulder and pulled the trigger. He did the hind leg kick thing, which was good, and bolted off toward the creek through the apple trees. I found him just on the other side of the shrub line, stone dead.

Was happy to see the points, I didn't even glass him given that he was so close. Not a heavy deer, and I was able to get him into the truck myself. But it was dark by the time I got him to the butcher. Ordered more processed items--kind of a sampler of everything, which the kids will like.

Now it's hurry up and wait for muzzle-loading season.

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